Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Spirit, Love and Sharing

Image Today's post is a step away from my normal writing and publishing blog. I want to ask you a simple question, Do you have the Christmas Spirit this year? I'm not talking about the I've got to go shopping today, the ornaments are up , but the Christmas Spirit. You may be saying, What are you talking about? Well, it's quite simple really. Have you done something for someone less fortunate this Christmas season and not just to get a tax benefit, but from the heart? Have you spent time with family and friends and thought about someone or something other than yourself? I went with my family out to eat last night for Christmas. It was great to be with my uncle and aunt and couisins and their families, not to mention my mom, her friend, my brother and his family and my hubby and son. I sat there looking around the table thinking about how much our family has grown. We've gained lots of new members in the last twenty or so years. But it was nice to take a moment out of our busy lives to just be together. Yes it was crowded in the small room we'd reserved but the point was to be together. As we left I felt sad that we didn't get to spend more time together, but life takes over sometimes. Tommorow at Church we're getting together as a Church family and putting together boxes for the families at the local family and children services. These families won't have much for Christmas so we try to give them something special to unwrap on Christmas morning. Some gifts are as simple as a doll or car, toothbrush and toothpaste. Actually things we take for granted but they'd be thrilled to have. Even hairbows and brushes, pencils and school supplies, things that they need but don't have. It warms my heart to help with such a special cause, but it's never enough. Why can't we just spend a couple of dollars to help those less fortunate? It's not about the huge, pricey gifts. It's the thought. No child should wake up Christmas morning without at least one thing under the tree. Christmas is by no means just about the gifts, it's about our Savior's Birth. But we need to teach our kids the spirit of giving which He spoke of so often and for some reason we've stepped away from it. It could be something simple like a warm blanket and coat. You may be warm in your house, but what about families that can't afford heat. Give them something warm to wrap up with. But why not all year long. Why do we only think of those less fortunate at Christmas? We should keep the spirit of Christmas in our hearts year round. We should follow His word and give to those in need all year. Think of the troops that are away from home. They are not just away at Christmas, they're away for months to years at a time, but most only think about them at this time of the year. So my challenge to you is this. Do something nice for someone. Maybe set a goal to do something for someone every month of the year. Plan a special project you can do for someone in need. It could be as simple as cooking a meal for a shut-in or just collecting cans and donating them to a family in need. The smile you'll receive and the feeling will get contagious and dare I say it, you might become an habital giver. As always, good writing and May God Bless You... photo credit: Rdoke via photopin cc

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