Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve...

Good chilly morning to all... I do hope everyone is ready for Christmas. I've still got some baking to finish and payroll to complete, but the gifts are bought and wrapped. Well all but one and I tripped over it this morning in the bedroom, LOL. I'll wrap it when I get back from delivering payroll. 'Tis the season to be jolly and why is it that most people this year are not jolly? My son and hubby are not in the Christmas spirit. It's driving my insane. I'm going around singing Christmas carols and decorating everything that's not standing still. They just sit and look at me like I've lost what's left of my brain. Well, maybe I have, but it all went into my books. Last night I was thinking of spending it finishing up the latest manuscript that's captured my little brain and then it hit me. "I've got to put some Christmas spirit in these men of mine." So I whipped out "Frosty The Snowman" and "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer" and told them to sit down and enjoy. Of course I giggled like a school girl and they just sat there and made fun of Rudolph's red nose. Oh well, I tried. Speaking of manuscripts, I'm hoping to spend some time off from accounting this week and finish up "Finding The Right Time". It's been taking over my brain this week. While I was up and down last night with my pulled back muscle I played with the idea of pulling out my laptop and just working through the night, but my back told me otherwise :( So here's hoping you all have a wonderfully Merry Christmas Eve and hope Santa is very good to you. Remember to smile at someone you don't normally smile at, hug your loved ones and sing carols even if they're out of tune. Put the Christmas spirit in your whole day and enjoy the season of joy. Don't forget the reason for the season as you celebrate with family and friends. Tell Jesus Happy Birthday! As always good writing and May God Bless You...

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