Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday Morning Writing

It's Monday morning and the kids should be going back to school today, but due to the extremely cold weather and threat of snow they will not be going back until Wednesday. I've moved my office into my dining room since it's so cold. My office is hard to heat sometimes so it's just easier to work where it's warm. I do hope all my US friends are staying warm and safe in this cold and snow snap. We didn't get any snow here south of Atlanta, but North Georgia got a little bit. It's just cold and windy. As for my writing I'm first working on balancing some year end accounts and then back to the writing. I hope to have Finding the Right Time completed with the second edit tonight. The 2nd installment in three of my series are well on their way, but the holidays got in the way. Now that it's somewhat back to normal I hope to get in some quality writing time. I sat last night with my hands poised over the keys but nothing came through my fingers. Writer's block is not a fun thing when you have some time to write and nothing comes through. Of course this morning my mind is on overload with stories, but alas my accounting work needs to be done first. It does help pay the bills and as many writers know, the writing doesn't do that in most cases. I'm playing with the idea of sending Finding The Right Time to a publisher, but still not sure. I've always self published and noticed many big writers are going back to self publishing. It just makes me wonder if that's the right course. I'll have to do a list of pros and cons. Oh well, this isn't getting this account balanced. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have power and can post an update on Finding The Right Time. If you get a chance go over to Amazon and check out my writer friend from Georgia, V. Steele. She'd just released the 2nd book in her My Prodigy Trilogy. I usually don't read this kind of romance, well I do read vampire books, but hers are a little racey but well written. She just laughs at me. I guess I love her work because she uses my publishing company for editing and covers. My brilliant and talented cover designer has outdone herself lately with V's covers and the one for Finding The Right Time. As always, good writing and May God Bless You...

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