Monday, November 11, 2013

Writing is like dead heading mums...

I know, you’re say, what the heck? I was out dead heading my mums the other evening with a flashlight, yep I said with a flashlight. I had my time scheduled out so that I could get some things taken care of like dead heading my mums. This helps them to rebloom sooner and even better. Well I forgot to weigh in the time change, which made it dark at that time. So I got it done and felt a little better.

As for writing, here’s what I’m saying. When we first have the thoughts for a book it’s like the seedling of our little mum. It’s fresh and vulnerable. Then we water it and fertilize it so that it grows chapter by chapter into a mature, stabile plant. But once it’s mature and the blooms are in full blossom, that’s not the end of it. We have to keep it watered and the dead blooms pinched off. That essentially means in writing that we have to make sure we’ve edited it and eliminated all of the badly spelled words and terrible grammar that comes along in a frantic first draft. 
I know, sometimes my analogies are a little strange, but some people like to have a for instance situation. I don’t like that part of writing. Of course it’s a very important part of the process. Nothing’s worse than finding a huge error and knowing that you just published it and will have to unpublish to correct. So get it dead headed to start with.
Hope all is well on this Veteran’s Day. I want to thank all of the Veteran’s out there for your huge sacrifice for our freedom. Also a salute out to your families as they also sacrificed while waiting for your return. Love you all. So take a moment today for a little silent time thanking those that fought and a prayer for those still fighting for the freedom we know today.
As always, good writing and May God Bless You…

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