Monday, November 4, 2013

Following The Crumbs...

I'm just going to say it. Yes, I started another work in progress. I readily admit I have a problem. It's called writers overload. I have way too many stories spinning in whats left of my brain. The story is the Christmas story that should have been started over a month ago, but I was working out the pieces and how to's. I'll give you a little hint, it's going to be part of a lifetime dream of mine. I'll get to live out my dream in fiction.
As for writing, we have to follow the crumbs to get to the goal. Each chapter, each outline piece is a crumb. Sometimes the crumbs are more visible than others. When the crumbs are large and right in front of us we can write for hours without stopping. Then other times the crumbs are so small that we have to search for them. That's when writer's block comes in and our mind strays away from the task at hand.
When writer's block hits you have to step back. The more you try to get it back, the further you'll push it away. Maybe it's another story that needs to be finished that's taking over. Maybe it's something in your personal life like a load of laundry that's calling out to be put away. Go put it away and then sit back down. 
Another problem I have is the inevitable sore neck from sitting over the laptop tapping out my thoughts. I've learned that when my neck gets tense I have to step away for a little bit. The tense feeling overwhelms the writing ability. It takes over the thoughts and ideas. Usually I do some neck rolls and stretch, then take a little walk to loosen up. If you're not careful it will compound itself and the next day will be out completely.
Hope everyone is having a great Monday. Enjoy this day and remember, it's only another day of the week, try not to think of it as Monday. Yeah... Right... Time for more coffee :)
As always, good writing and May God Bless You...

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